Extreme Reading Photo Competition Winners
This year our new photographer and designer, Josh Moses, had the tough task of judging the ‘Extreme Reading Competition’. This was done anonymously of course. We were inundated with amazing and creative photos and want to thank all of you for taking part. Look out for the display of all the entries on the panels outside the library and full list of runners up and highly commended.
Many congratulations to the winners:
Wellington College Students
1st – Katya (cycling in the rain in Moscow)
2nd – Dominic (accidental scientist explosion)
3rd – Olly (cave in cliffs)
4th – Posy (in the Blue Cave in Croatia)
Highly commended:
Will , 9Bd (feeding an elephant)
Thomas 9R (in a dragon statue)
Jamie, 9S (jumping off a sea wall)
Jasmine , 9Ap (swinging off a tower)
Felix , 9Bd (reading the Outsiders on a water ski)
Charlie, 9Bl (backflip off a boat)
Drew , 9Hl (reading on Inferno rollercoaster)
Noah , 9Bd (Land’s end sign)
Eve , 9W (on a post in a lake)
William, 9L (mountain bike)
Kitty, 9C (The Pyranees)
Harry , 9Bn (waterskiing reading ‘Diplomatic Immunity)
Nils(top of mast)
Louis (reading with a dolphin)
Eagle House Students
1st – George, Eagle House 7 (on castle ruins)
2nd – Olly, Eagle House (set of three photos of canoe going over rapids)
3rd – Ben, Eagle House (in the stocks)
4th – Sophia, Eagle House (long jump)
Librarians’ choice award – Sofia (The Diamond Heist)
Winner – Mr Allcock (Head of Classics) on top of the Old Man of Hoy